Monday, July 16, 2007


Oh god! Why is it me always? What sins have I perpetrated? I cannot bear it anymore. My life is like an inferno. I am burning in it. I have nobody by my side, no confidante. Oh god I hate this drossy life of mine. I don't want to live please free me..please I beg you .. Well I know every teenager might have screamed the same emotions at some point in his/her life. But my friend be strong. Don't wilt like a flower. Never allow these transient circumstances to fill your life with abhorrence and pessimism.My friend the day u feel that the world you are living in is alien to you, the day when your heart cries in agony and pain, the day when you are tired of finding answers for all the happenings don't lose your heart. Just stand in front of the mirror and discover a new friend. Yes you ,yourself . He is the companion who will help you to sail through this thorny phase of your life. Gather strength and courage from your own spirit. Trust yourself. Believe in what you do. Remember you are a god's child. You are the storehouse of infinite innate powers..Gather audacity from your true self. Seek direction from your inner voice will never be misled. Trust me friends.If u are convinced that what you are doing is right just do it .Believing in yourself is the mantra and leave the rest to god. Don't worry about what people think. The world is selfish. It is filled with wicked and false people who live a disguised life. They always carry a paint brush and paint a manipulative picture according to the situation.dont bother. Just trust yourself and remember that your spirit is your soulmate.its the purest form of any entity. just listen to what it has to say. It will help you.It will never betray you. So whenever you are shattered .tired of ur life..the day when you start hating yourself.just talk to the friend inside you and you will find the answers!

1 comment:

Shimmering TuBeLiGhT said...

hmm....well u really dont luk lyk a pessimistic and chronically depressed type of person which this blog potrays u to be.. wats da matter chic?